Agricultural Intelligence Made Easy
MRV toolkit combines satellite image analysis, AI-powered soil health modeling, and seamless farm management integration to empower project developers and growers to measure the impact of regenerative farming practices
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Our mission is to revolutionize agriculture through the power of technology, enabling farmers to adopt and measure the impact of regenerative farming practices for a sustainable future
what we do

Remote sensing through satellite imaginary analysis

Our satellite imagery analysis algorithm is designed for monitoring sustainable agriculture practices. Detecting practices like tillage reduction and cover-crop adoption, it supports scalable and reliable remote monitoring for key regenerative agriculture metrics

Satellite image scanning and analyzing
what we do

Decoding soil health

AI-powered soil carbon and health modeling technology that accurately predicts soil organic carbon levels, enabling farmers to assess the impact of their regenerative practices.

Soil cutout

Easy integration with farm management systems

Experience the seamless integration of farm management systems data through API data into our powerful algorithm to elevate your climate project with precise calculating of climate footprint and baseline levels

Harvest from above

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